Phil Jackson Remains Loyal to Lakers with Subtle Jab at Dwight Howard on Twitter

Phil Jackson may not be a current employee of the Los Angeles Lakers, but it’s crystal clear that his loyalties still lie with the club.

The Zen Master took to Twitter Sunday to add his two cents regarding Dwight Howard’s controversial decision to defect from L.A. and join the Houston Rockets as an unrestricted free agent.

First, Jackson reflected on the “exodus,” noting that D12’s departure left a “distaste” in his wake—but still believes that the Lakers will be fine next season.

He also feels that Pau Gasol, the big man that he won two titles with, is a better fit in current head coach Mike D’Antoni’s offensive system:

The 11-time NBA Finals winner then commented on what Howard can bring to the table, simplifying it down to just “power and D":

Jackson expressed his doubts that Superman was all there in 2012-13, stating that the superstar center’s rehabilitation from back surgery and confusion—possibly due to the coaching changes and rash of injuries last season—contributed to his poor play.

In perhaps the strangest—or funniest line—of the two tweets, he speculated that Howard may be better off as a member of the Houston “Astros,” referencing the worst baseball team in the majors, a franchise that shares a city with the Rockets—the team Dwight actually plans to sign with.

While it’s hard to read much into the 140 characters that the longtime coach used to summarily break down and dismiss Howard, it seems that he is still loyal to the club in which he won five of his championship rings.

Even though team brass elected to hire D’Antoni in November of last year—instead of him—and hasn’t brought Jackson in as more than a consultant to the front office, his allegiances are obviously still wit...

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