Clint Eastwood's 2009 movie, Invictus, is centered around the achievements of Nelson Mandela, the man who survived about 27 years of imprisonment and stepped up to become the President of South Africa.
Inspiration is the theme of the movie. Inspiration is also the theme of most articles about the potential of the Raiders in 2010.
If some of us had a chance to speak to the Raiders, we would probably sit them down, set up a DVD player, and show them Invictus. They would see the outcome of focus, unity, a great call beyond just football, and the possibilities that come forth from a changed attitude.
Next, we would have a Facenda-type voice to recite the poem, Invictus. At the end of the poem, each and every member of the Raiders' franchise would be required to say, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."
What is needed is the power of practice, focus, having a cause greater than yourself, and seeing yourself as a person who has a great deal of decision-making control to improve the outcome of the games of life.
Unity is also important.
Oakland's Racial Demographic
Black (35.7%) White Non-Hispanic (23.5%) Hispanic (21.9%) Other race (11.7%) Chinese (8.0%) Two or more races (5.0%) Vietnamese (2.2%) Other Asian (2.1%) American Indian (1.7%) Filipino (1.6%) Japanese (0.5%) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (0.5%) Read more:
It's a diverse city with a rainbow coalition. In the movie, the character of Mandela was played by Morgan Freeman, and he talked about forgiveness. Everything started with one person in the rainbow of people in South Africa.
Each man...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders