This tag has been attached to Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston.
The tag that Michael Shelton, a defensive end in college, has given TSU is what helped this writer make a connection with the supportive environment and team spirit that has been historically attributed to the Oakland Raiders.
Some young people have a head start because they know exactly what they want to do when they complete their college education.
Shelton is focused and determined to reach his goal. He is both surprised and attentive when I demonstate the use of all types of mathematics, science, technology and engineering in the structure, training and performance statistics of the Oakland Raiders during their 50-year history.
Shelton calls Texas Southern University a "second chance" university for many college football players. He is honest about some of his past challenges, but he is also confident that he can reach his goal to play for the NFL someday.
As this BR writer is an avid fan of the Oakland Raiders, Shelton has heard my pep talks and several discussions of the data. One thing is clear to Shelton: a man can change, and a man can reach his goal if he has a few people encouraging him along the way.
Shelton enjoys hearing the stories of some of the guys who attended Texas Southern University in the late 60s and 70s.
It's clear that he is comfortable with his collegiate experiences at TSU because of the candid exchange about the successes and challenges of earlier generations of NFL players who attended historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
But, as we all know, the challenges are not just with those who attended HBCUs it is with many of those who have played professional football or other sports.
In Shelton's cas...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders